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.NET 1.1 is required to run MANTIS
MANTIS 2.0 is now available for download!

If you have used previous versions of MANTIS, please create a backup copy of your database, and uninstall the older version of the software, before attempting to install MANTIS 2.0.

Operating instructions are available below, as well as in the MANTIS software.

If you have questions or problems with MANTIS, please email with the subject line "MANTIS help"

NEW! Please visit our Mantis forum!
Release 2.0

Updated Installers! - These files will now automatically install the Mantis software!

English Installer - Lite (26.3MB)
Fully functional, but you will need to download the Global Player Database through the "Uplink" feature in MANTIS to maximize the functionality of the software.

English Installer - Full (52.9MB)
Includes the Global Player Database

Mantis v2.0 Operational Instructions February 23, 2005 (0.78MB)

Microsoft .NET 1.1

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